Use TIME as your #1 motivational tool!

TIME. What time is it? I don’t have time for that. Is it time yet? Time to go to work. Time to go home. Time to work out. Time to go to bed. Time to wake up. Time to go to practice. What time should I come over. What time should I leave? What time does it start? Time for dinner. I have no time for myself. We never spend any time together. Time's up.

School, work, sleep, play, exercise, watching TV, doing homework, practice, eating, cooking, meetings, sporting events, even the time it takes to properly brush our teeth.

Our entire life is dictated by TIME. You were born on this day at this time and you died on this day at this time. They put it on your birth certificate and on your death certificate. The timing of organs in the human body is governed by time.

Even the time it took you to read this was time out of your life.

TIME should be your biggest and number one priority to understand, balance and manage!

To be successful in anything you choose, you must use TIME as the most important ingredient to MOTIVATE yourself!

Ricky Chan’s personal way he uses time:
I use time to motivate myself in many different ways. My most effective way to understand and mange time is to pretend I am in a helicopter and rise up into the air “above” my own life. I see a timeline of my entire life. (Based on if I’m lucky enough to live to the average age of 80 years old.)
There it is: The far left side of the timeline chart is the day I was born. (The number one) and then the far right side of the timeline chart is the day I die. (The number 80). A beginning. And an end.

1 40 80

I’m pretty confident, if I just wanted to survive in life. I could do just that. I too, could make a sign out of cardboard and ask someone else to pay for my food. But, knowing that anything GREAT beyond just surviving, takes time, I must start to take some sort of action immediately. When I take action I get results. Good or bad, you will get results. Whether it’s to get in shape or get a degree, be a great soldier or have an awesome marriage or raise a good child, learn a trade or build a successful business. Achieving something beyond just surviving takes time.

What if you died tomorrow? We all know of someone who died sooner than they should of. Knowing I could die tomorrow motivates me to take action TODAY! It takes time to achieve greatness so why aren’t you starting today? Starting sooner will get you to your goals sooner, allowing for more time to achieve more success.

Just to be clear, I am not talking about pounding yourself into the ground to achieve your dreams. The Ricky Rope time machine will help you to balance your time. It will put time into perspective.

My wife and I became self-made multimillionaires by starting our own company, staying happily married for 25 years, our family being blessed that mom was able to stay home and raise our three boys when they were young, myself, finding time to help coach the boys in sports and never missing a game or recital AND having a dog, a huge house, big TV’s, fancy cars, boats, cool vacations. The Ricky Rope helped us to manage our time to achieve our dreams.

When I started out, I thought it was important to get a college education. Even though I might not ever use what I learned in college, I knew it was a special golden ticket that not everyone would have and would give me an advantage over others seeking the same job. I made time for college, but at the same time, I knew, the sooner I could get my golden ticket, the sooner I could start the next phase of my dream. So what I am saying is, I made time for college, but didn’t waste any time getting it done.

My first job was selling forklifts. (See, I told you I wouldn’t use what I learned in college. But, it did help get me the job over the other applicants). No, this was not my dream job. But one of my dreams was to be married to a beautiful woman, have kids, a house, food, a car and a dog. This job would help me achieve that dream. I knew that the beautiful woman I wanted to marry would be more attracted to a man that could support a family and so on. Another part of my dream was always having to be the best at whatever I decided to do. It didn’t mean I had to be better than another person at what I did. It just meant I personally needed to know I was doing the best I could. So I made the time to understand the job and what it was going to take to be the best. It just so happened that by making the time to understand and push myself, I ended up being one of the best in many things I accomplished and making myself more valuable to whom I was working for securing my position which kept me in control of my life verses others controlling my direction. I was steering my sailboat!

Did you know, if you work 40 hours a week, over 75% of your time left each week can be used for personal time and sleep? 25% of your time is for work (Which just so happens to pay you money to feed you and your family, pay for a roof over your head, transportation, vacations, etc.) and 75% is for you! (Don’t blame me if you decided to have 15 kids or marry a lazy husband.)
Wouldn’t it make sense to give everything you got while at work? It’s only 25% of your week!

The sooner you really understand how much time you have or don’t have, the sooner you will be able to achieve your dreams, goals and happiness.

The reason so many of us can’t properly manage time is because time is constantly contradicting itself.
• “Hurry up before it’s too late.”
• “Take your time.”
• “The sooner the better”

“You have time for it all! Just not as much time as you think.”