Don't Wait, Untie Your Sailboat Today

As a public speaker, Ricky Chan makes his first splash.

“I’d never actually said it out loud until Rick asked me to name my goal. 3 months later, I was actually IN Africa!”

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Amanada’s Experience

“I’m 16 and tried to kill myself” View Post

“I truly believe you will always be successful because of the way you treat your employees.”

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“I cannot begin to say enough about what Rick has done for me, my business and more importantly my look on life. I had this dream of owning my own business, but wasn’t sure what my next step was or if I should even do it. After listening to what he had to say, today, I am an owner of a successful golf vacation business! I have truly untied my sailboat…”

~Jason Swick, PGA Professional

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Steven’s New Perspective

“The effort has made his store very well known in the community, and very profitable.”
~Pool & Spa News

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Thank you for the confidence, devotion, guidance and assistance that was freely given in helping me obtain this important milestone in my life.

~from Jennifer

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I cannot put a price tag on that one hour you spent with us today!! You hit the nail on the head for sure! Life-Changing for me too! THANK YOU!! You definitely have a gift!!
~Susie L., TEACHER & MOTHER of teen and attendees of seminar