Author Archive
for: ‘Ricky Chan’


AUGUST 24, 2011 The meaning of Steve by Josh Bernoff Image: Wikipedia I was very sad to hear of the passing of Steve Jobs today (October 5). The world needs more visionaries like this, but there are no others. My thoughts from when he resigned from Apple, in August . . . So, Steve Jobs […]

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Let’s all raise our children in a pretend world so when they get out into the real world, they’ll get punched right in the gut and will have no clue, become depressed and curl up in the corner.  REALLY?? Click on this link below about a young football player and leave me your comments:

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How to Better our Schools!

Parent, Teacher and Community It’s our turn! Parents , Teachers and Community Leaders must join forces in order to turn around our education system. It is true that we could all home school our children or at least try or maybe send them to a Charter School, but in reality, most cannot afford it. Why […]

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The New EDUCATION…not!

Back to (the wrong) school A hundred and fifty years ago, adults were incensed about child labor. Low-wage kids were taking jobs away from hard-working adults. Sure, there was some moral outrage at seven-year olds losing fingers and being abused at work, but the economic rationale was paramount. Factory owners insisted that losing child workers […]

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Power of the Dream CONTEST

You’re already ahead of the curve! Just by saying your DREAM out-loud or writing it on piece of paper will make it more real & more achievable! Your DREAM is actually “something” now. Somewhere to go when you wake up each morning. Untie Your Sailboat and experience LIFE! Here are the CONTEST Rules: 1) Make […]

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Meeting more and more who’s in it for the kids!!

Can you guess which one is Eric Swann who played 9 years in the NFL with the Arizona Cardinals? Him along with Kansas college coach Dyzell Wilson, Rick Chandler and Dan Krammar with Running Start all met up at Northern Arizona University at a football combine camp to figure out more ways to help the […]

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Dream the Impossible!

I asked my 19 year old what his Dream was. He said,” I want to race those off-road Trophy Trucks in the Baja 1000. I said, “That’s awesome.”  If you have a destination, now all you have to do is figure out how to get there!  “How do PLAn on getting there?”  “I’m going to […]

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Dirty Jobs or Clean Jobs or both?


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Just a little more…

At 211 degrees…water is hot. At 212 degrees…it boils. And with boiling water, comes steam. And steam can power a locomotive. And, it’s that one extra degree that… Makes all the difference.

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Even Mark Twain said: " Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."