Ricky Blog
Don't Wait, Untie Your Sailboat Today

How to Better our Schools!

Parent, Teacher and Community

It’s our turn! Parents , Teachers and Community Leaders must join forces in order to turn around our education system. It is true that we could all home school our children or at least try or maybe send them to a Charter School, but in reality, most cannot afford it. Why should we spend even more of our hard earned money when we already are paying into an education system? Well, to be honest, because our current system is broken. We continue to go backwards. 23rd out of 30 countries in education????  America use to be number one! WE, together must make a change. If you are one that has decided to Home school or send your child to a Charter school, good for you and good for your child….SHORT TERM!  If we as a whole, do not blossom, there’s a good chance your son or daughter will be working for another country (Another country that did educate the “right way” and as a a result, their own country is thriving economically). Which again is good for that individual but not good for OUR country! If you really want to be smart about your child’s future, help change our public school system your already paying for! Use that “extra” money you have to empower our teachers and parents and community leaders to fund an education revolution that we as a country will ALL benefit from!

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Even Mark Twain said: " Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."