Ricky Blog
Don't Wait, Untie Your Sailboat Today

Power of the Dream CONTEST


You’re already ahead of the curve! Just by saying your DREAM out-loud or writing it on piece of paper will make it more real & more achievable! Your DREAM is actually “something” now. Somewhere to go when you wake up each morning. Untie Your Sailboat and experience LIFE!

Here are the CONTEST Rules:

1) Make a video telling us your DREAM.
  • Your topic must be clearly stated. “My DREAM is….and this is how I plan on getting there!
  • Post it on YouTube.
  • Then post the YouTube link on my Ricky Blog page along with a 200 words or less essay that summarizes your DREAM and how you will plan on making it come true.
2) You may only enter once.

3) Your Video must be 2 minutes or less.

4) You must include one method of contact, this will not be published live on the site, it is only to let you            know that you’ve won.
5) Go to the “Ricky Blog” page and post your YouTube video link using the “Leave a Reply” box below and press, “Submit Comment” button.
6) Await contact from Untie Your Sailboat. Have your family and friends comment on Facebook or on my Blog about why your DREAM entry should be chosen.
Good Luck, Have Fun & DREAM Big!
Terms & Conditions:
All entrants grant use of their video on this website and or used in advertising, sharing and viewing by others. Entries must be submitted by students that are currently attending the school in the school district of that particular event. Deadline for each video is 7 days prior to the date of that school’s event. All videos will be posted live on Untie Your Sailboat’s website on the Ricky Blog page after the event. Winners will be announced the night of the event. Winners must be present to win.  All rules, scholarships and prizes are subject to change without notice. Scholarships, products and prizes are awarded by individual sponsors. Winners, schools and school districts agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Untie Your Sailboat LLC and Rick Chandler of any and all responsibility of awarded scholarships, prizes or products. Winners and all persons entering contest & attending nightly events agree to indemnify & hold harmless the school & school district of any liability associated with contest and nightly events. Each individual sponsor will be responsible for awarding their advertised scholarship, prizes or products.

One Comment

  1. Ricky Chan
    Feb 15, 2011

    I can’t wait to write my essay!

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Even Mark Twain said: " Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."