Ricky Blog
Don't Wait, Untie Your Sailboat Today

If I died today, I have had an awesome life!

Here I sit, writing my very first blog.  I guess I have been too busy to blog. I have been out sailing.  I untied my sailboat a long time ago and have enjoyed quite the journey.

So much so, I have said out loud to my family and friends that if I died today, I would be OK with it. I have been blessed. I have been lucky. I’m happy with the way I have lived. Sure I have areas that could use some improvement, but I have seen and experienced more than I ever imagined.  If I died today, I have had an awesome life!

Can you say that?  If you can’t, I invite you to be a part of my next adventure. I have untied my sailboat once again and I am going into waters I have never been in before. I want to share a message with the world. I want to teach and mentor. I am scared and unsure. Will I fail?  Maybe I will. Maybe I won’t.  I just realize one thought that pops in my brain every time I untie my sailboat for the first time. I say to myself when I’m scared or nervous, “If I do this, will I die?”  The answer has always been NO.  So I end up going for it. Sometimes failing and sometimes succeeding. Always learning something new.

My next journey starts with this invitation to share strategies, thoughts, beliefs and experiences that I believe will help you to achieve success and tap into your own potential.


  1. lilly
    May 02, 2010

    hey rick, I think you look just super in orange. keep at it.

  2. rick
    Jul 20, 2010

    Nice! you looked great in Africa!

  3. bryan
    Oct 14, 2010

    Do you balance the scales when making a decision, or is an unbalanced side really the definition of risk?

  4. admin
    Oct 14, 2010

    I’m only one person. But, It sounds like you already know the answer. I look specifically for an unbalanced scale for the greatest gains. If everyone is doing it, the gain is minimal. Plus it’s not exciting. Play like everyone. Live like everyone.

  5. Great writing! You should definitely follow up to this topic?!?


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Even Mark Twain said: " Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."